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  Montgomery Area Daylily Society  



M.A.D.S. Club News - Region 14

Montgomery Area Daylily Society hosted the Region 14 Fall Meeting at the Pike Road Agricultural Center on Trotman Road, Montgomery. Here are some photos from the event:

Fall Meeting Fall Meeting
Fall Meeting Raffle

2021 Video Awards

TG Award

Service Award

Newsletter Award

Platinum Club

The Eastdale Mall daylily sale, 1000 Eastdale Mall, Montgomery, AL, 36117, will be held on June 4, 2016, from 10:00 a.m. until gone! Come get some great deals on registered daylilies. See the flyer on our MADS website.

Our next program is Saturday, August 20, 12:00 p.m.: Club Meeting and Covered Dish Luncheon (Bring your favorite luncheon dish.) Program: “Backyard Daylilies: The Garden of Winfred and Janie Huff, Hawkinsville, GA”.

We’ll also complete the Region 14 Popularity Poll and select a Nominating Committee for next year's officers.

2015 Region 14 Results


1. ’Double Blue Blood’ Double Blue Blood

’Double Blue Blood’ 2014 Pop Poll winner for Region 14

Photo by Oliver Billingslea

2. ’Suburban Nancy Gayle’

Suburban Nancy Gayle

Suburban Nancy Gayle

3. ’Look Here Mary’ Look Here Mary



4. ’Lillian’s Woman’s Touch’



5. ’South Sea Enchantment’

South Sea EnchantmentAlice Woodrome, Photo

South Sea Enchantment 

Becky Parr, Photo