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  Montgomery Area Daylily Society  




Our next meeting will be the annual Christmas party for our members. It will be a covered dish luncheon, followed by an installation of new officers, and a short business meeting. We will exchange “Dirty Santa” gifts - always a fun event for the group. Diane Lindsey will play old and new Christmas music favorites on her piano. She plays so beautifully!


MADS Registration Form-New Member

We are the Montgomery Area Daylily Society
We meet on a regular basis with our club members and the general public:

  • to share our knowledge, enthusiasm and appreciation for the daylily.

  • to encourage and enable people to successfully grow daylilies.

  • to invite knowledgeable hybridizers to our meetings to tell us of their new varieties.

  • to share our own gardens featuring daylilies, to visit other gardens.
    Info  Info 
    Spacing Diagram   Parts of a Daylily